70% of India is involved in Agriculture - Sacchi! well you dont beleive me then go count for yourself.
Of this 50% is below Poverty Line - What you saying maan? (you express as you sip your Cafe Latte or is it Mocha at a CCD) nah could be over a bottle of Tourborg if not then over your life saving cuppa. Am I any better nah!
Just come back from watching Peepli Live! what is the movie about? is it about life or is it about the slow, disgusting, nameless deaths we see around us in our very own backyard our so called Mera Mahaan Bharat!
There I was watching the 10.30am show at Cinemax Goregaon West. There were not many takers for the show at that time. But in the little audience which that screening attracted, was a bunch of IDIOTS no not the ones and kinds you saw in 3 IDIOTS they were the so called Gen Next. Everytime Nattah aur the villagers spoke aur even moved they were giggling and I had this urge to go and smash their faces in, literally. Peculiarly everytime there was English being spoken by the so called TV Journalist in the movie, they were all attention. Slaves or Dumbos?

Even Natha and his family seemed to be more intelligent then this Best of 5 bummers to me.
As for the Movie - it is a good movie but not a good entertainer. How and Why will I be entertained knowing that Natha is not the solitary case but is just one of the innumerable lot out there who have not just lost land, money, employment, family but even their identity.

All because they were POOR!
At the most we are going to see some movement on Twitter, Facebook or Blogs like this?
Why can't something like a Meter Jam or a Pink Chaddi like thing be done for real big time issues like the case of the despairing and dying farmers or for that matter the perpetually hurt and hurting Kashmiris? But then thats for the Government to take care of isnt it?
Peepli and the People of that kind of India sure need to be Live and they need to LIVE like human beings! and on the eve of Independence Day today I would say live like Free Indians of Free India!
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