Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Chai Chaat & Chat 1 August 2010 - Royal Ditch

Yeah! yeah! I should have known better. SO much for tech savvy people and their virtual presence. Come to think of it the smarter than thou must have thought it to be a Virtual Event. So its not really their fault. Neverthelesss as the name of my blog goes, Have voice, will say! so here goes about the what, where, when and why I am feeling the way I am feeling! ;-)

The Invite which was emailed to 70+ people from Friday 30th July 2010 onwards. Of which some were already excused as they are not in Bombay, Maharashtra, India.

Thats yours truly taking the regrets and excuses calls. Many did not even bother to respond. So much for communication. No problemo! Next when you are not invited by me, you know who to blame.

The Saving graces. My Mum, Yours Truly, Meena my Parlour woman and Pankaj (husband of Deepali who clicked this photo ;-)

The dismal turnout had Suhas Patil the guy who was all set with his Snack Stall wares to feed a small army wonder and said it aloud too ' When people who have been invited to eat and drink did not turn up, what would have happened if I had invited them to work.' well! need any body to guess that? By the way thats Suhas Patil serving and Mahesh Salvi and Pankaj Bhandare enjoying the paani puri.

Even Manoj - assistant of Suhas kept on looking out forlonely towards the door hoping for guests to turn-up as he was all set and ready with his beautifuly set and kept ready to serve Sev-Puris.

Thats Mahesh Salvi my ex-colleague who made it all the way from Marine Lines. He gave me a good phrase. Here's to all you Ditchers
Aaaye to Welcome nahin to Gardi Kam!

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